In addition to the increase in the size of genitalia, appearance, and other important hormonal changes:
- Gain of hair growth in the groin and face;
- Rounding the area of the scrotum;
- the change in the length and thickness of the Penis;
- the formation of the foreskin.
The development in this Form is an important process. The parents need to have an overview of these changes.
Standards of thickness and length of the Penis of a teenager

The size of the Penis with the representatives of the stronger sex in adulthood may be different. In the youth age, length, and width of the Penis is approximately the same for all children. The middle data of the member during erection equal to the following criteria (length, diameter, data are given in cm):
- 12 years and 7.5 10-11;
- 13-14 years – 12-14, 8,5-10,5;
- 15-16 years – 15 to 17, 11-12.
With seventeen young people can celebrate that the organ is short, 0.5-1.2 cm, This is due to the fact that the diameter increases. Many experts believe that in the age of 17-19 years, you still influence on the size of the Penis.
What affects the size of the Penis in adolescents
The dimensions affected by different factors:
- Genetics – it begins in the womb. If the father of the child is not a sexual giant, and in the case of the boys considerable device's to be expected in the pants.
- Ecology – according to statistics, in the case of the boys, living in the vicinity of factories, auswerfend in the atmosphere, harmful chemical components, the size of the Penis is less on 0,5-3 cm, than in the case of the boys, who live in the South and in other Bio-fields.
- Trauma in the groin area – may not manifest themselves until the child goes in the garden, visible in the puberty.
- Diseases of the endocrine system – the teenager in this case, it is necessary to have a reliable treatment in order to avoid in the future problems in the area of men's health.
- Growth – in the case of high young Penis may be longer, but the diameter is smaller. In the case of young people, which is not more than 163 sex organ, thick and short.
- Healthy eating – nutrition for the young representatives of the stronger sex has to be complete. The disadvantage of a product's impact on the General physical development of the child and to his genitals.
- Bad habits – unfortunately, the Smoking and the alcohol abuse will inevitably impact on the growth of the Penis. If the kid starts Smoking at the age of 14 years, then at the age of 17 years, he can see that the Penis of small-medium size up to 0.7-2.5 cm.
Experts believe that the parents are obliged to pay attention to how the body of the teenager. Little boys should regularly led to the surgeon who promptly detect pathology.
The sooner the Problem is detected, the higher the probability that in the future the guy is not with such problems, as dysfunction of the penis, or a complex of sexual violence.
How to enlarge his Penis teenager: popular ways
Pharmaceutical companies active means to increase the sex organ to 2-4 cm in diameter, can also correct. Of course, such drugs are transient effect.
In Vivo, the Penis grows years to 21. This fact is installed, if not in addition, drugs that act on the body or not, the exercises, then you cannot hope that in the underpants of the apparatus, as in the case of the stars of the adult appear in the Film. Representatives of this profession like to use different gels and Sprays, increasing blood flow in the groin, and thereby enlarges the Penis. At a young age, such experiments are prohibited.
Young people can sex organ extend with the help of the following procedures:
- Pomp, by the pressure difference;
- Extender popular devices that there was in ancient times. Of course, in this time, looked simple, but the essence remains – by the violent elongation elongation;
- exercise – there are exercise that allow it to adjust to the dimensions of the genitals;
- Masturbation method is controversial, as sexual scientists believe that in the puberty, self-gratification problems in the future can end. This method is suitable for men who regularly have sexual contact with women.
Penis in teen-age with the help of these techniques can be 0.5-3 cm, Sometimes this distance is not enough men to get the feeling of these over in the bedroom.
Extenders and pumps
Teenagers don't have to think much about the small Penis size. Of course, if the Penis is smaller than the average dimensions, then you need to go to a specialist. At seventeen years of age, you can take some methods that in the future you will feel confident with the lady in the post.
Extender device, increases the body, by its stretching of the tissue. When wearing it on a regular basis, then multiplication of the cells of the skin can provoke, this promotes the elongation in length and width.
Insulin pump give intermediate result. But experts say that prolonged use provoke necessarily increasing the length and width.
- In puberty the skin is prone to rapid Regeneration, through this you can easily stretched.
- If in 18 years, the hoopla will begin, the member will 2-3 cm more of the attachment to Use it is necessary to be careful, injuries will appear in every fifth case
Massages and exercises
Sex organ teen can increase with the help of the training. Regular stretching of the Penis lead to an extension in the range of 3-5 cm, If every day a member of the massage during erection, so the result will be prominent in a month. The movement is from bottom to top – need to strengthen the implementation of the Hand from the base to the tip. Experts say that this action is a little painful.
Jelcing – the oldest technology, which makes it possible to increase the length of the Penis. Pulling the Penis, to do with the help of loads every day for 40-65 minutes. If you do not will be less time, the result.
- The exercise is on the member, which is located in the non-excited state.
- If an organic overload, it can vessels to problems with rupture of the tissue or blood. In the youth age injuries happen due to the inexperience and excessive tension.
And how the same Operation?
Surgical private clinics, increasingly services, a method of increasing the Penis to advertise quickly. Of course, young people should select safe methods for the correction of Organ Extender and Massage.
Surgical procedures are not to do, the guys that suffer from abnormalities and obvious defects, the complex manipulations with a scalpel. Also, at the request of the parents, such operations are not carried out on the bare request of the patient. The doctor tells in detail what the standard is and how many inches in a normal body of a teenager.

Even the guys can recommend that the intake of vitamins and follow the diet. Abuse of addictions – a safer way to deterioration of health and to the reduction of the member. The parents must support the child, to prevent serious problems. We urgently need to contact a specialist, if the Penis grows and the following symptoms are present:
- the guy has narrow shoulders and wide pelvis;
- the boy has no erections;
- the teenager suffers from obesity;
- Testicles small.
If you carefully monitor the health and not be afraid to go to the doctors, you can fix many defects, which are found exactly in adolescence. Small Penis in puberty – this is not a reason to panic, it is not excluded that it is the genetics or the time has not yet come to acts to astound dimensions friends "friend" and stories about sexual heroes.
To change if you start dimensions?
Hormonal changes in boys begins at a fairly early age of 11 or 12 years. In this period the strongest growth in the reproductive Organ was observed. Also in this age-sex characteristics of boys develop. In addition, at the age of 13 years young:
- the size of the testes increases, leading to an increase of the scrotum;
- the bright hair in the area of the pubic bone and in the face appear;
- the size of the genitalia changes;
- sexual Organ foreskin extended.
It is very important that parents carefully controlled such changes. It helps in the future, hormone notice disturbances in connection with the poor development of testosterone — the male hormone.
The levels of testosterone dependent on the formation of gender characteristics. If your development is disturbed, then the young people have in the future, it is life serious problems with sex.
Standard sizes
Before the increase of the Phallus in adolescence, you should be familiar with the normal dimensions of genital organ.
It is no secret that the width and length of the member depending on the amount of testosterone in the body of a teenager and his inheritance. Therefore, it is logical that the volume of reproductive Organs in the various models is different. However, despite this, at the age of 14 years and 17 years, all the sizes can be calculated. It helps to understand what length and thickness is the Norm for boys at this age.
In adolescents, the average length of a Phallus is 13-14 cm, which is in 16-17 years, you are sometimes reduced to 1-2 cm due to the increase in the thickness of the organ. This process is, of course, and so he should not be surprised. Some parents fear that in 15 years, with the boys almost not penis length is changed in the non-excited state. Have no fear, because this is a normal phenomenon. In this age, the extension of the Phallus is activated at the time of erection. This phenomenon explains the corpora cavernosa, the for the dimensions of the organ at the time of introduction.
Sometimes, in the case of young people at the time of puberty is of the Penis not only their dimensions, but also the curves changes. In most cases, a minor change and therefore, half of the boys remains in the Penis. Serious changes in shape only occur in 3-5% of boys.
How can you make your Penis teenager?
If it turned out that the Penis in 18 years, less medium-large, with the weight gain. There are several methods of extending the Penis the kids. The most efficient way, you should in detail with each of them.
To increase the genital organ of a young, effective and proven technology — jelcing use often. For decades, exercise is the inhabitants of Africa and India for the increase in the dimensions of the Phallus. Jelcing consist of all the simple Massage exercises to the expansion of blood vessels and Regulation of blood circulation.
Brought Massage to be a positive result, follow the recommendations for its application and benefit from special moisturizing lubricant. Today, there are two basic ways to "milk" for the extension of the Phallus.
The first method
Before the increase in the member of the young man in this way, you need to warm up the cavernous body to improve the elasticity of the skin as an organ. The easiest method of warming up — the use of grain or salt. One of these ingredients in the frying pan warmed up and dump in a small cloth bag. Then it is heated to the Penis for half an hour and thus, body.
After the complete heating up of the genital organ, it is the condition of the part of the excitation point. When an Organ is irritated, it is flexing with the fat and gently at the base. In the implementation of the exercises, the Hand moves gradually from the base of the organ to its end. In one session, about 10 of such movements.
The second method
The second method is not so often, because they are less effective and can greatly extend the Organ. With the method, the Penis is completely palm of your hand bend. Together, the institution is gradually delayed to the left or right is pressed in the Hand. It should not compress much, so as not to accidentally skin damage.
Doctors claim that the regular application of this technique, sexual organ students increased to 1-2 cm

Among the safest methods of stretching that you can use, in fourteen years, and still less, creams, gels and ointments. Even today, there are disputes on the effectiveness of such funds. Many claim that such means extend the Penis after prolonged use. But most of the guys to help but this means a little increase the volume of the Phallus.
There are three types of drugs that are used when you change the dimensions:
- Short-term — prior to the Sex, like dick only grows to 2-3 hours.
- Long — term effect after the application of the life, and so enjoy them anytime.
- Auxiliary — in connection with more effective medications.
Medium short-term actions are not suitable for young people and parents, therefore, often AIDS and drugs long-term actions to buy. Thanks to them, the blood flow increases by dilation of blood vessels.
Before such an agent, it is recommended to consult your doctor, in order not to damage the health of young people.
Not always Massage and gels, help prolong sexual organ of the child and, for this reason, we have to increase after the other methods to him. Often, they use developed for this purpose, a special device for such purposes.
The most effective fastening doctors believe vacuum pump. These devices are popular with older men because they help get rid of impotence and virility to restore. The regular application of the pump lengthens the Penis by 1-2 cm due to the increase of blood flow.
Prior to the application of a vacuum pump, it is necessary to deal with the peculiarities of its use. First, the entire surface of the body treated, skin cream for moisturizing the dry. Then the Phallus is placed in the partially erected state and in the tank pumps. After the placement of the organ in the cylinder, from the pump, oxygen is pumped. Ventilation increases the pressure in the reproductive Organ and strengthens the flow of blood. To get through the improvement of blood circulation can Penis that are oversized.
Can not be used, the pump longer than 15 minutes, because the vessels of the organ damaged.